Environment, Climate Change and Forest Department - Tamil Nadu State Wetland Authority Toll Free 18005997634-4
Tamil Nadu Wetlands Mission

Vaduvur Bird Sanctuary

Vaduvur bird sanctuary spreads over an area of 112.638 ha, is a large human-made irrigation tank. It is situated in Needamangalam taluk, Thiruvarur district with part of the Cauvery delta and hence dependent on the release of water from Mettur dam. It is surrounded by a large bund on the southern side and a short bund on the northern side, as the elevation serves as a natural bund. Bunds help in holding the water up to a depth of 2.5 m. Four outlets and discharge canals are present. Potable groundwater is available at a depth of about 20-50m. Being a freshwater habitat, no seasonal fluctuation in salinity is observed. Interconnected by an ancient network of canals, and fed by the Mettur dam. Agriculture is undertaken around and the wetland and ground water used for irrigation. The wetland plays the primary role of buffering by acting as a sponge during events of floods and extreme rainfall. It is a major source of ground water recharge. There is significant runoff from the surrounding catchment and the wetland acts as a sink for sediments.

Salient Features

This is one of the largest breeding water birds reserves in Tamil Nadu attracts more than one fifty thousand birds annually, There is a need to monitor the wetland on a regular basis to identify more important sites and understand the ecological importance of the tanks better, Vaduvur consists of Acacia nilotica planted by the Forest Department, These trees, used by birds for nesting and roosting are eventually harvested making the tank devoid of nesting habitats, Agriculture is undertaken around and the wetland and the ground water are used for irrigation, The wetland plays the primary role of buffering by acting as a sponge during events of floods and extreme rainfall, It is a major sourceof ground water recharge, There is significant runoff from the surrounding catchment area and the wetland acts as a sink for sediments, The wetland provides a suitable habitat for birds as per the recordings of the local and migratory bird species.

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Location Tiruvarur
Area 112.64 hectares
Wetland Type Human-made wetland - Water storage areas/Reservoirs/Fresh water lake
Date of Designation 08-04-2022
Ramsar Site No. 2493

Values and Benefits

  • Provisioning Services
  • Food for humans
  • Fresh water
  • Regulating Services
  • Maintenance of hydrological regimes
  • Erosion protection
  • Climate regulation
  • Hazard reduction
  • Biological control of pests and disease
  • Cultural Services
  • Recreation and tourism
  • Supporting Services
  • Biodiversity
  • Soil formation
  • Nutrient cycling
  • Pollination


  • Water regulation
  • Drainage
  • Water abstraction
  • Salinisation
  • Water releases
  • Climate change & severe weather
  • Storms and flooding
  • Habitat shifting and alteration
  • Droughts
  • Temperature extremes
  • Human settlements (non agricultural)
  • Housing and urban areas
  • Agriculture & aquaculture
  • Livestock farming and ranching
  • Biological resource use
  • Fishing and harvesting aquatic resources
  • Human intrusions & disturbance
  • Recreational and tourism activities
  • Natural system modifications
  • Vegetation clearance/ land conversion
  • Invasive and other problematic species and genes
  • Invasive non-native/ alien species
  • Pollution
  • Agricultural and forestry effluents
  • Garbage and solid waste

Ramsar Criteria

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Management Authority District Forest Officer, Thiruvarur Division, Tamil Nadu Forest Department, Thiruvarur District
Protection Status Bird Sanctuary

Species Count

Birds 170
Fishes 7
Plants 56
Mammals 8
Reptiles & Ambhibians 17
Arthropods 63

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