Environment, Climate Change and Forest Department - Tamil Nadu State Wetland Authority Toll Free 18005997634-4
Tamil Nadu Wetlands Mission

Therthangal Bird Sanctuary

The Site is a marshy lake located within Therthangal village in southern Tamil Nadu. The wetland is fed by two rivers during the rainy season. Ninety-six bird species have been recorded in the Site, including the endangered Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus) and the vulnerable Indian spotted eagle (Clanga hastata). The babul (Acacia nilotica) trees planted by the forest department provide popular nesting sites for migratory birds. In 2010, the Site was designated as a bird sanctuary. In addition to birds, the Site also supports 133 plant, 57 butterfly, 11 reptile, seven mammal, and six amphibian species. While the wetland is primarily used for water to irrigate the agricultural fields in adjacent villages, it is also a recreation and tourism site.

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Location Ramanathapuram
Area 29.295 hectares
Wetland Type Fresh water > Lakes and pools >> Ts: Seasonal/ intermittent freshwater marshes/ pools on inorganic soils
Date of Designation 15-07-2024
Ramsar Site No. 2562

Ramsar Criteria

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Management Authority Wild Life Warden, Ramanathapuram District
Protection Status Bird Sanctuary

Species of Global Conservation Significance

Notable Species: Painted Stork, Glossy Ibis, Spot-billed Pelican, Black-headed Ibis and Oriental Darter

Endangered: 1
Vulnerable: 1

Species Count

Birds 96
Plants 133
Mammals 7
Reptiles & Ambhibians 17
Butterflies 57

Site Images